četrtek, 31. julij 2014

Mig-21M Eduard 1/48 (Part 10)

Jugoslovansko vojno letalstvo, št. 805 - Yugoslav Air Force
Eduard 1:48



Vsi Mig-i 21 od verzije R dalje imajo dve izpustni cevki, prvo za levo zračno zavoro in zadnjo rešetko, drugo pa v izpušni šobi motorja. Naredil sem jih iz Albionove cevi 0,3mm.

All Migs from R version and further had two exhaust pipes, first back to left airbrake and back grill, the other one was in the exaust nozzle of the engine. I made them from the Albion tubes 0,3mm .


Sledi izdelava HUD-a.V Eduardovem kompletu »Mig-21 MF Interior early« sta dva dela R20 in R18 za izdelavo celotne naprave. Vendar je del R20 preširok, da bi sedel na določeno mesto dela R18.

The next step is building the HUD. In Eduards set ''Mig-21MF  Interior early'' there are two parts R20 and R18 to make the whole console. But the R20 part is too thick to fit perfectly on the R18 part.

Vse skupaj sem predelal, dodal manjkajoče detajle in manjkajoče električne vode. Pri tem sem uporabil aluminijasto folijo, tanko prozorno folijo ter svinčeno in bakreno žico različnih debelin.

Everything was modified, missing elements were added and electrical lines aswell. I used the alluminium foil, thin clear foil and copper/lead wire of different thickness.

Sledi lepljenje vetrobrana in gumijastega tesnilnega roba iz Eduardovega kompleta.

The next thing was gluing the front part of canopy and rubber edge on the canopy from Eduards set.

Na levem boku letala takoj pod vetrobranom sem naredil varnostno zapiralno kljuko in prav tako tudi na pokrovu kabine.

On the left side of the aircraft, right beneath the windsheild, I made security locking bar and on the canopy aswell.

Tudi ostali detajli, kot so podporna palica pokrova kabine, varnostna vrv na zadnji strani pokrova, pomične lučke za osvetlitev instrumentov in podobno, so samogradnja.

All other details such as, canopy handle bar, safety cord on the back side of the canopy, moving lights for instrument board, were all made from scratch.

Še nekaj fotografij – Some more photos:


Kompletna delavnica (Detailed Workshop here):
